Here is our Big Announcement!
Our Distributor For the Year 2020/21

We are excited to introduce to you, Timeless Furnishing Distributor of the year, 2020/21.
Uvie Odeh Emmanual.
From Oghara, Delta state.
Distributor code: TF/20/0015
Phone number: 08136951227
Hit: Over 12.3million Naira in Sales
Before June 3 that Uvie registered as our distributor, he had two options - to ignore or to take action. He chose the latter option, took the step and registered as our distributor. Today, He's has the sole honour of being our distributor for the year, 2020/21

The most compelling part of his journey were the many times he made sacrifices to accommodate the customers, bearing some costs to satisfy the customer.
The following qualities kept him going:
1. He is consistent and patient
2. He is kind
3. He is creative

A slight peek to some of his benefits
- Officially our Regional Lead (Southern Region)
- He has access to On demand for goods above #900,000
- Customized Marketing materials, T.Shirts etc.
- A unique business ID card
- A unique Complimentary Business card
- An all expense paid trip to Timeless cross-regional training and summits.
- Social media Marketing aggregations.
- All expense paid google business listing -
-Personalized Company Email for business (

In the world we live today, Trust is highly priced. We are glad we found it in Uvie, and in all our distributors. And this gives us joy as we celebrate our man of the year.